
Bio Corporation works hard to get your order to you when you need it. Generally orders arrive within 15 working days after receipt of order. If you are needing items sooner please make that request known with a phone call, email or comment on the order.

We ship with UPS. If you prefer a different carrier additional charges may apply.

Standard shipping to contiguous states is estimated at 20% of the total order. There is a minimum charge of $14.00 per order. Additional shipping may be added for Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico and Canada.

Specimens are packaged in vacuum sealed bags or fluid filled, sealed buckets. We will pack as many specimens to a bag/bucket as possible. Most special requests can be completed without any additional charges. Just let us know what they are and our customer service will guide you through. Common special request that do cost more are individually boxing or bagging. Call/email request.

Bio Corporation ships all items in new packaging. Sometimes the journey can be bumpy. If for some reason you receive a box that is damaged or leaking the first thing you will want to do is place the container in a hefty garbage bag so it does not saturate other items. When you get time, it would be great if you could further inspect the box and content. After inspection you should find that all items are in "dissection order". Our specimens are guaranteed for 1 year. No need to toss any leaking items. Please see below processes.

  • VACUUM BAGS - Place the leaking bags in hefty garbage bags, squeeze out all the air you can and toss the box so you don't have that mess, and store in a cool, dry place. Again our specimens are guaranteed for 1 year.
  • BUCKETS - Depending on where and how the bucket is leaking will depend on what you will need to do next.
    • If your bucket has a hole in it you can empty the fluid to hole level and give us a call. We will replace the bucket and give more fluid (once replacement bucket arrives to you, you will need to put the specimens into the new bucket). And still our specimens are guaranteed for 1 year.
    • If your bucket has a loose lid please inspect to see how much fluid is left. If just enough fluid leaked out to make that mess but all the specimens are still covered with the fluid you should be good, seal it up and store in a cool dry place. If the loose lid caused enough fluid to leak out that your specimens are not covered, give us a call/email and request more fluid be sent. Yep, still 1 year guarantee.